This Sunday we’ll be reading Micah 4:1-5 during our Bible study. Micah has been a fairly gloomy book, with a lot of forecasting judgement on God’s unfaithful people – but the first part of chapter 4 presents a sharp and short pivot. Suddenly, the oracle looks to a future where God will set all things right again.
As the prophecy begins, the language is reminiscent of what the writer in Hebrews 12 said – indicating that the early Christians saw that Jesus was the fulfillment of this hoped for restoration.
As I read this section, I see “now” and “still to come” aspects of what is forecast. In what ways might we imagine that Jesus has already begun fulfilling the restoration aspect of this promise? How have you seen God’s restorative purposes being revealed in your own life? What are some aspects of this prophecy that seem to be something for a future time? Knowing what God’s intent is for our lives and this world, how can we intentionally partner with God’s work here and now?
This will be a deeply encouraging study to dig into together – I hope you can join us this Sunday. We’ll also be hearing a Missions Update from Suzy Zechman about the ongoing work of In Deed and Truth ministries in South Sudan!
Click here for a pdf of the teaching slideshow.