Micah #4: Power Reimagined (Micah 3)

In the 21st Century the analysis of power dynamics became more intentional and far more scrutinized. That scrutiny often revealed that there are both overt and covert forms of power that affect our daily lives, which just underlines the importance of critical thinking and awareness of how power is being used if we want to promote an environment where all lives can flourish. The clinical definition of the power we’re talking about here is the ability to influence or direct the actions of others, usually to achieve some goal. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that, in fact, it is usually quite necessary. But, like with many things, it is only a neutral concept until it comes to its application and use.

Power and authority are subjects that come up a LOT in the Biblical narrative – usually spoken of negatively and correctively because we fallen humans are, typically, not good stewards of power.

This Sunday we’ll be reading Micah chapter 3, and God has a lot to say to those who were holding power in Israel and Judah at that time. I’ll warn you, the language is pretty graphically violent. Not gratuitously, but in order to make a point, which we’ll dig into on Sunday.

As you read it, how does God characterize the misuse of power and authority? Whose side does God seem to take, those who hold the power or those affected by its use? How does God say he will respond to the spiritual leaders who are misusing their power? Do you catch any irony in His forecast, and if so, what is it? If you get a chance, read Isaiah 42:1-4 – it gives a beautiful description of how Messiah will use power – and I believe – a template for Messiah’s followers to use in our use of whatever power we may be afforded in life.

This will be a challenging study – I hope you can join us this Sunday!

Click here for a pdf of the teaching slideshow.