1 Corinthians #10: Marital Integrity (1 Corinthians 7:1-16)

I heard at least one person had to have the “talk” with their child after last Sunday’s message…so, fair warning: if you’re not prepared to do the same, exercise discretion when it comes to younger children being in the service during the teaching this Sunday (and don’t blame me, it’s Paul who won’t change the subject!).

We’ll be reading 1 Cor 7:1-16 in our study of that book this Sunday. The whole section feels odd to us because it’s written to people in an entirely different culture, time and I would say, eschatological expectations. The Romans understood and approached marriage (as well as divorce) very differently than we do in our present culture – the trick is to discern God’s wisdom in this so that we are better prepared for the choices we have to make in our own lives.

How does it appear that Paul views being married in this text? How does he view singleness? How does it square with our current day views and emphasis’, in and out of the church?

There will be some sensitive issues that Paul covers in this section that we’ll need to examine carefully and definitely through the lens of God’s overarching grace. We’ll do our best to navigate it so that we’re challenged by God without being condemned…because this is, after all, a less than ideal world.

I hope you can join us as we dig into the text this Sunday!

Click here for a pdf of the teaching slideshow.