1 Corinthians #14: A Greater Love (1 Corinthians 9:1-18)

I am equal parts grateful that Hurricane Helene did not damage our area and heartbroken for the people who are now suffering the aftermath of this terrible storm. We certainly want to be praying for those east of us, and keep our eyes, ears, hearts and hands ready to assist as we are able.

This Sunday we’ll be continuing on in our study of 1 Corinthians, reading chapter 9:1-18.

It seems like it’s almost a monthly occurrence, to hear of some celebrated pastor being removed from his position or stepping down due to inappropriate behavior. It could be discouraging. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of the lifestyle many of them live and wonder if maybe that’s part of the problem – living in opulence that silos them from a more common reality. I don’t know. It’s God’s job to figure that out and address it, not mine.

I can’t help but notice the stark difference between what Paul writes in the passage we’ll be reading and how so many famous preachers live. What should we make of that contrast? What was Paul’s motive for preaching and ministering? Maybe that’s a way we can determine the fruit of any given ministry?

The reason Paul brought the subject up flows directly from chapter 8, where Paul encouraged believers to see to it that their Christian liberties and rights were subordinate to their love for their fellow believers. He’s using himself as an example of what it looks like to lay one’s rights aside for the better good of others. If Paul could set aside his right to sustenance, can we surrender our rights for others over lesser things?

This, as this whole book has been, will be a challenging study to dig into. Hope you can join us!

Click here for a pdf of the teaching slideshow.